Ep.09: Outnumbered in Silicon Valley; Playwright & Poet Sabrina Mahfouz; War in Yemen


Outnumbered in Silicon Valley. Stance hears about the epidemic of sexual harassment facing the tech world, including hearing from one entrepreneur who shares her alleged experience of sexual harassment at the hands of renowned investor, Justin Caldbeck. Many argue sexual harassment is a symptom of a much larger problem in Silicon Valley - the staggering lack of women and people of color working in tech. We explore the industry at large looking at what needs to change with regards to representation in gender and race, and why it is critical to the future of tech.

Sabrina Mahfouz tells us about how she found her voice, as one of London’s most forward thinking playwrights, poets and screenwriters today.

We hear two Yemeni voices who share their views on the war in Yemen and how it has become one of the world’s most pressing humanitarian crises. We ask what it’s like on the ground and if there’s a future for a unified Yemen?
